Friday, October 5, 2012

Employers and Social Media Infographic

I came across this interesting infographic from PayScale. They asked employers how they can manage employee use of social media. It all starts with creating and implementing a social media policy.

Statistics shown that almost half of the small- medium- and large companies have not yet created a social media policy. This indicates a need to set the rules that protects the employees and the employers. And represents an opportunity to optimize and lead through organizing the company's internal social media practices.
Related articles:


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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Social Media Cheat Sheet

Another amazing infographic brought to you by Column Five Media

"With one in three small businesses using social media, its no longer enough to just have a website, small businesses must have a social media presence, too. Don’t know where to start? This cheat sheet done in collaboration with Flowtown will help you navigate the major social media sites on the web."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Support Gets Social

The latest Social Media inforgraphic about how companies and customers are bringing support into social media.

As copied from Column Five Media:

"Social media has become a mainstay for all things business and personal. Businesses are using it for marketing and customer engagement: consumers use it for networking, entertainment, and more. This infographic done in collaboration with Zendesk, looks at how groups are starting to use the platform for customer support."